Believe, Achieve, Succeed

Results-driven Life Coach in Flint

Are you ready to unlock your true potential and achieve remarkable success? Welcome to a transformative journey with Practical Consultants, LLC, where change is embraced with divine guidance. Based in Flint, our mission is to empower individuals like you through our exceptional services, including mastermind sessions, personalized coaching, and captivating speaking engagements.
At the heart of our vision is our esteemed founder, Andrea, whose unique background and experiences have driven her to become a catalyst for positive change. With unwavering faith and a deep connection to God's presence, Andrea's coaching style is infused with divine inspiration. Her remarkable ability to bring about tangible results has earned her the trust and admiration of countless individuals seeking transformation.
Whether you're striving for financial mastery, seeking to build thriving relationships, or aiming for professional growth, we tailor our step-by-step actions to your specific goals. No matter where you are in your journey, we will meet you there, ready to help you navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and unlock your full potential.
Join us on this transformative path, where our mastermind sessions foster collaboration among like-minded individuals, our personalized coaching unveils your hidden potential, and our captivating speaking engagements ignite inspiration and empowerment. Embrace change with confidence, and let us guide you towards a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. Step into your greatness with Practical Consultants and unleash the extraordinary within you.


“Don’t Sit Down and Wait for the Opportunities to Come. Get Up and Make Them.” - Madam CJ Walker

Thank you for your interest in Practical Consultants, LLC. We value your inquiry and look forward to assisting you. Kindly fill out the form below with your details and a brief message outlining your specific needs or questions. Our dedicated team of experts will promptly get in touch with you to discuss how we can best support your goals and provide practical solutions tailored to your requirements. Your success is our priority, and we are committed to helping you achieve tangible results.